Feral Cat Coalition

The Feral Cat Coalition is a group of CAA volunteers that assist community cat colonies in East Baton Rouge Parish. These individuals assist with the trapping of community cats for us to spay/neuter them at CAA so that the cats can then be released back to their area once sterilized.

 Trap. Neuter. Release.

Since 2015, CAA, in collaboration with the Feral Cat Coalition, has spayed/neutered and returned thousands of community cats as a part of a Trap-Neuter-Release program (TNR).

Following established TNR protocols, community cats are humanely trapped; brought to CAA to be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and ear-tipped—the universal sign that a cat has been neutered and vaccinated; and then returned to the area they came from.

Over time, once a cat is spayed or neutered, it no longer needs to mark its territory. The drive to yowl and fight is removed, and, there will be no more kittens. All that's left is the cat's natural instinct to protect its community from mice, rats, snakes, and other nuisance pests.

CAA offers TNR services, free of charge, for community cats in East Baton Rouge Parish.

Our Feral Cat Coalition program facilitates spay/neuter surgeries upon request. Please contact feralcats@caabr.org for more information about this program, assistance available for trapping, and surgery scheduling.

What are the benefits of TNR?

There are lots of benefits of TNR, for both the cats and the community they are in. These benefits include population control and reduction over time, friendlier cats, cats being vaccinated against rabies, improved quality of life, better health, and a more stabilized environment.

Studies across the U.S. have shown that TNR not only curtails nuisance behavior, but it also costs less, drastically reduces shelter euthanasia, and, over the long run, will reduce the outdoor cat population of a community. Since the implementation of the Feral Cat Coalition and our TNR program, CAA has seen a drastic decrease in our cat intake number and a significant increase in our feline live-release rate. Thanks to this program, CAA’s save-rate for cats is over 90%.