Post Adoption Support

Thank you for adopting your pet from CAA! We encourage you to utilize our collection of resources to make adopting and owning a pet an easy process and let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you! When one of our pets leaves the shelter to start their “new beginning” we feel great happiness for the pet and his or her new family. We again thank you for giving your pet a loving home and hope you will encourage others to consider adopting an animal from CAA or another shelter, so they too can experience the joy of finding a new four-legged friend.

Congrats! You just adopted your best friend. If you need help, we’re here. Check out our adopter support resources for tips!

Pets are great, we know, but owning a pet can be harder than it looks! Don’t worry, CAA is here with helpful tips for pet owners, old and new!

Believe it or not, pets are a lot like people! Everyone is different. Sometimes our pets may require some help getting comfortable in your home or with behavioral issues. We’re here to help!

Learn more about how you can do your best to create a Fear-Free home for your pet.